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Mercurius politicus, Number 321, 31st July-4th August 1656 E.497[3]

his Ship, she was a man of Warr of twenty four
Guns, our ship making Saile I followed them, the
next morning we got to our Fleet, then I put pen
to paper, and certified your Honour of this, and
sent it presently on board of a Merchantman that
was then under sail, bound directly for England.
This day the Generals had notice by this ship, that
she Ship which tooke the Cullen, and the Cullen herself
were both at Kige, and likewise Capt. Sydrach
Blakes ship, which was taken when we were upon
this Coast the last year, Upon this information,
we with 8 sail of Ships more were commanded to
go to Vigo-point and Byan. The 12 of June, we
set fail from our Fleet, and the 24 of the same, wee
saw the North Cape. Wee finding our selves to the
North ward of our intended Port, steered away
Southerly, till we made the Islands of Byan, together
with the Islands of Donecke; when we were about
two Leagues off the Islands, it being little
wind, wee halled up our Sail, and put out a pendant
on our Misen Peeke, a signall for all the Squadron
to come aboard. Not long after they were
on board, it was resolved the Fairfax, Centurion,
and Assurance, with the Belvoir, should go to Vigo;
the Tredagh, Newcastle, Ginney, and Fox fireship
should goe for Byan; the Bristoll was appointed
alone for to go to Point-a-Feather. The next day,
being Wednesday, by eight of the Clock we were
within the Island of Byan, but it was very little or
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