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Mercurius politicus, Number 321, 31st July-4th August 1656 E.497[3]

no wind, these Islands are from Vigo about five
miles. Betwixt ten and eleven of the Clock there
sprung up a gale of Wind, the which by twelve
of the clock carryed us as high as Vigo town; when
we were about half a mile from the Town, stemming
with it, we received a shot which cut our main
Stay, and went one third though our fore-Mast,
and lodged in our main Stay saile, without doing
any further harm. As soon as we brought our side
to bare on the town, we fired a broadside of great
Guns and small shot: before we left firing, by the
Gunners relation, wee had shot upwards of two
hundred great shot, and about so many small; the
Enemy shot severall gunns at us, which did us no
harm, save only going through our sails; the Assurance
went in before us; she had one man killd and
severall hurt, he that was killed was their Steward;
the Centurion followed us, who had no harm, save
only the shot going through their sails; presently
after wee got within the Island of Byan, wee saw 3
ships riding about a mile from the town, and two
standing up into the Bay; before wee got to the
town, the Captains of these 3 ships came on board
of us, to acquaint us that they were our Friends,
and indeed they were all of Flushing. As soon as
we were out of shot of the town, wee made all the
sail we could after these two ships, but before wee
could fetch them up, they run themselves aground
at the upper end of the Bay, which is 3 leagues from
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