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Mercurius politicus, Number 321, 31st July-4th August 1656 E.497[3]

From the Swedish Camp at Novodwor, June 30.
This Army being appointed to relieve the City
of Warsovia, did march Mar 30, from Thoren, and
arived June 4. at the River Buck; but the Pospalites
of the Massovian Province being then assembled,
and hearing of the Swedish Armies advance,
they passed the Buck and the Narew, and came to
the Polish Camp, notwithstanding that Generall
Dowglas did march on the left side of them with
some part of the Army, and took some of their
Ensignes. Czarnecki did lye with his Quartians
at the River Vistula; Witpezkie with his Forces
at the Buck, and took possession of a Skonce made
a year since by Gen. Steinbock for a defence, and
placed Foot-souldiers in it. But the same night,
Fieldmarshall Wrangel Caused the Ordnance to be
planted, and the men to bee transported for storming
of the place. The morning after, the 5 they
fired their Cannon at the Skonce, and under this
shelter transported their Foot, took the Skonce,
and built a Bridg over the Buck which was finisht
the day after. The same night Czarnecki caused
his Ensigns, being erected by the Rivers side, to be
taken down, and took his march directly towards
Warsovia, and there passing the bridg, he joyned
the Lithuanian Troops, and part of the Pospolite.
The 8. one of our Colonels, Andrews, passed the
bridg with 400 Hors, met with the Enemies wato[unr]
and brought back with him one of their Standart
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