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Mercurius politicus, Number 329, 25th September-2nd October 1656 E.499[2]

Westminster, Thursday 25 September.
The House Ordered their Thanks to bee given unto Mr
Caryll, Mr Manton, and Mr Jenkyns, for their Pains yesterday
in carrying on the work of the Day of Hnmillation Kept by
the House, and desired them that they would Print their Sermons.
The House upon Debate appointed severall Committees to
Prepare and bring in Bills:
One for compelling Prisoners who have Estates to Pay
their debts, and for releef of such as lye in prison and are not
able to pay their debts.
Another for settlement of Marriages. And to prevent taking
away of Heirs and Infants, and for Registring Births, burials,
and Marriages.
Another for taking away the Clause in the Act for Corne
and Meale for pleading the generall issue.
A Committee was likewise appointed to Consider of the
abuses in granting Certioraries, as also in what Cases they are
fit to be granted, in what Case not, and to Prepare a Bill therin.
A Bill was read for Increase and preservation of Timber.
Friday 26 September.
The Bill entituled, An Act for renouncing and disannulling
the Pretended Title of Charls Stuart &c. was this day read the
third time, and upon the Question passed Nemine Contradicente,
and ordered to be offred to his Highness for his Assent.
The Bill entituled, An Act for the security of his Highness
the Lord Protector or his person, and Continuance of the Nation
in peace and safety, was this day read the second time, and
Saturday September 27.
The Bill for increase and preservation of Timber was read
the second time and Committed to a Committee to whom
the consideration of the preservation of Timber and wood in
the several [unr]orrests of this Nation is refered.
A committee was also appointed to consider of Laws to be
continued, or repealed according as hath been used to be done
informer Parlament.
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