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Mercurius politicus, Number 329, 25th September-2nd October 1656 E.499[2]

From Hamburgh, September 16.
This day arrived here his Highness the Generalissimo
Prince Adolph from Wismar; as also Monsieur
Coyes, the King of Swedens Secretary out of
Holland; and the said Prince is resolved to set forth
his journey to the hot Bath within these few days.
His Excellency the Lord Ambassador Bond, late in
England, is also by this fair Wind expected here
every hour. That the Treaty betwixt his Majesty
the King of Sweden, and the Hollandish Ambassadors
was upon the 12 of this month fully concluded
and subscribed, it is confirmed by the Letters
that came yesterday: but the particulars of
the said Treaty are not as yet known. The City of
Dantzick is so far comprehended therein, that they
are to agree with his Majesty by themselves, but
whether they will choose a friendly composition,
rather then expect the rigour and the extremities,
time will shew it ere long. The King of Sweden
is now likewise upon a Treaty with the Ambassadors
from the Cossacks, and the Prince of Moldaw
from whom on both sides a very considerable succour
of many thousands of men is expected without
faile. His Excellency the Field Marshall
Wrangol, is with a Body of an Army to recruit Gen:
Steinbock, who is to march with his Army into
It is certain that the Moscovites have besieged
the City of Riga, but the Newes, that hath been
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