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Mercurius politicus, Number 329, 25th September-2nd October 1656 E.499[2]

Count Pontus de la Garde wounded) have been valiantly repelled,
so that the Moscovites lost their Ordinance and Artillery,
which they could not carry away up the River. Wee heare
also that the Earle of Lowenhau[unr] hath made a diversion by
the way of Finland, wherehe made an introade into Moscovia
and burnt down some of the Towns and villages, and as the
Moscovites in Liefland, so he likewise in those parts Puts all to
the Sword. The confirmation here of is expected by the next
What designe his Majesty goeth about, is Kept very close; they
sat in Counsell all this day, where in all the senators of the Kingdom
A Third from Frawenbourg September 18. 1656.
Here is nothing at this time remarkable besides what I wrot
in my former. Out of Liefland wee have various reports: but
in generall the news is that the Moscovites draw on neeter and
neerer and that hee had besieged Rigs, where the besieged by
a strong sally out of that City, and by the Earl of Lowenhaupts
inroad into Moscovia; have diverted the Moscovites
with the loss of their Artillerie. The Earl of Thurn hath bin
Killed, who received first two shots and then afterwards had
his head cut off by a Cemiter or Polinish sabel, which the
Barbarous Moscovites, when they could not carry away his
body sent to the Countess, his wife in a bag. Wheresoever
they come, they committ all fots of Cruelties, and put all to
the Sword, and are mightily Injurious to women and children,
which they fasten and naile to posts and trees, by their hands
and feet, in a most inhumane manner.
An Advertisement
There is an Excellent learned, Piece, elegantly written and newly
Printed in Latine, which is to be, had at Samuel Thomson's in Panls
Churchyard entituled Parenesis ad Ædificatores Imper[unr] in Imperio
In qua defenduntur Jura Magistratus adversus Mosem Amyraldum,
& cæteros vindices potestatis Ecclesiasticæ Presbyterianæ, Authore
Ludovica Motinœo, Petri Filio, Historiarum Professore in Illustri
Academia Oxoniensi, It is the Opinion of some Eminent and juditious
persons, that it hath given a notable Blow to those severe ones of the
Presbyterian way, who built a Jurisdiction within a Jurisdiction:
besides that it conduceth to the uniting of all Interests. renduing
the Magistrate his Due, and stating the Right of Churches.
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