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Mercurius politicus, Number 346, 22nd-29th January 1657 E.500[20]

Brandenburg, in the Town Prussia Holland; it seems that the
Treaty of Peace will hardly take any effect. The Queen of
Poland having narrowly avoided the Po[unr] of the Swedish hath
left over the best troops to the Field Marshal General Czarnecky,
thereby to enable him to go against the Swedish: their
success we expect to heat. They certifie also, that the
Swedish are commanded to make to the frontiers of Pomerania,
to be refreshed in the tedious hardships which they endured.
They are over joyed and elevated by the apparent succour
of the Transylvanian Prince Ragotzi. The Crown
Marshal of Poland writeth word, that Cracovia is still strongly
besieged; others write, that the place cannot hold out long,
the famine being raging within, the besieged feeding on [unr]
fifth of Horses, Cats, and Dogs, The great Cham of the
Tartars hath written to the King of Poland, to this purpose,
that he hath given order to Razi Aga, to fall with his troops
and other two Regiments into Prussia. The Polnish Queen
intends to go to Guesna about Poser, or to Silesia. If the
peace be delayed, the ring of Poland intends to go to Vilna.
They say that the Generals of the Polanders have left the
Camp. There died at Riga of the Pest in 8900 persons: At
the side of the river at Dantzick there are no Polanders left.
The Swedish entertained the Garison souldiers which they
took in Conitzand Tauchel, among their men; by the taking
of these places, the Prussian Pass is open again for the Swedish.
The preparation for war in Denmark brings to the Swedish
no good conception. The Massaures have again [unr]he
great spoil in Prussia. The States here have ordered, that no
Cordage, or Tackle for [unr]pping shall be exported out of
these Provinces for the space of a moneth. Whether the Order
will be renewed at the moneths and is uncertain.
Another from Koningsberg, Jan. 12.
At Elbing are granted letters of Mart against those of
Dantzick, by reason of the robbing at sea, which that City
practiseth; the like will be here granted, to be practised at
the Memmel in the Pillaw. We have news from Cracovia,
that the Polanders coming on to from that city, the Swedish
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