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Mercurius politicus, Number 346, 22nd-29th January 1657 E.500[20]

them directly with his Troops, with a full resolution to
give them a second alarm and defeat, if he be able to overtake
them, the success of which Enterprize is every hour expected.
Its also for certain reported that the said Poles have forced
their Queen back with them, and arrested her for their pay,
being resolved not to dismiss her before the King gives them
In the mean time its certain and confirmed by several Letters,
that his Majesty of Sweden, upon notice of the said successfull
Rencounter, broke up immediatly before Dantzick
with his whole Body, leaving nevertheless a considerable party,
under Gen. Stienbock in the Werder, and advanced toward
Conitz; which place his Majesty after two days siege forced
by Accord to submit unto him; and leaving a sufficient Garison
therein, went thence for Tauchel being also a very considerable
place in [unr], and about two miles from the
other; requiring the same likewise to yeild, but they refusing
his said Majesty hath also laid siege to it; where, forasmuch as
we yet know he continues.
Several Letters from persons of Note to the Swedish Resident
here, assure us of a strict Union and confedracy, fully
concluded and ratified between his Majesty of Sweden and
the Transylvanian Duke, by vigour whereof the said Duke is
obliged, and hath promised to break up with his Forces (consisting
in at least 40, or 50000 horse and Foot, and enter Poland
with incredible cele[unr]ity; and also that he will command
the numerous Legions of the Cossacks to render themselves
there with him, having been lately assured by their solemn
oath, or juramentum clientelare of their great fidelity and obedience,
and there (its said) his Majesty of Sweden intends to
meet, and joyn with him, & so conjunct is terribilibus viribus, to
conquer these parts and places of Poland which King Casimir
recovered last Summer; The Tarrars doe, also wish to be in the
same Confederacy, having desired the said Duke of Transylvania
by a Letter, to endeavour to make their peace with his
Letter from Dantzick, Koningsberg, Marienburgh, this
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