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Mercurius politicus, Number 346, 22nd-29th January 1657 E.500[20]

day arrived, relate that the Dantrickers having notice of his
Majesty of Swedens departure have sent out 4000 men upon
a certain designe, whereof the Elector of Brandenburgh receiving
certaine Intelligence, he hath sent an expresse to his
Majestie to return, or send with all speed from Conitz a flying
Body in hopes to cut off the passage and stop the return of the
said Parties for Dantzick; In my last I gave notice of a Warrant
given to the Swedish Nobility and Cavalrie in the stife
of Breme to repaire to a generall rendezvous and put themselves
in a defensive posture; it being feared the Danes had a
designe upon the said stift, but we hear since no more of it, the
Danes keeping themselves yet very quiet and peaceable, as if
they intended no hurt at all to their neighbors.
An Advertisement of Books newly published.
A most excellent Treatise of Peace and Contentment of Minde:
Written by Dr. Peter du Moulin, the Son.
Also a Week of Soliloquies and Prayers with a Preparation for the Holy Communion,
by the same Author.
Both Printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Princes Arms in St. Pauls Churchyard.
The [unr] of Zion or, The old Orthodox Protestour Doc[unr] into seed.
By Authony Warton.
The Art of Logick; of, The entire Body of Logick in English; The second
Edition, corrected and amended, [unr] Zacbory Coke of [unr] Gent.
De Morbis Fœmineis, the Womans Counsellor; and secret Diseases, as are incident to
that Sex. All three Printed for John S[unr]ter, and are to be sold by the
Booksellers in London.
Gods House, with the nature, and use thereof, as it ought to be understood and
respected by Christians under the Gospel; by Simon Gunton, M. A. Sold by
Tho. Dring, at the George in Fleetstreet. near Cliffords-Inne[unr].
Letters of Affairs, Love and Courtship. Written in French to several persons of
honor and quality. By that famous wit of France, Monsieur de Vorture, and
exquisitly translated into English by J. D. Sold by T. Dring at the George in
Fleetstreet. and John Starkey, at the Miter at the West-end of St. Pauls
The Orthodox Evangelis, where in many great [unr]ngellcall Truths are [unr] fly
discussed, as a further help for the begetting and establishing of the Faith,
which is in Jesus; As also the state of the blessed, where; of the condition
of their Souls, from the instant of their dissolution; and of their persons after
the Resurrection; by John Norton, Teacher of the Church at Ipswich in
New England.
Philosophy reformed and improved, in four Treatises; the first being Paracelsus
his three Books of Philosophy to the Atheniana, discovering the wonderful
Mysteries of the Creation; the other written by Crollius, the great Chymist
and Physician. discovering the mysteries of nature.
Both sold by Lodowick Lloyd, at the Castle in Cornhil:
A Method for Meditation; or a Manual of Divine Duties fit for every Christians
practice; by Ja. Usher, Archbishop of Armegh. Sold by Joseph Nevil, at the
Plough in St. Pauls Churchyard.
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