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Mercurius politicus, Number 346, 22nd-29th January 1657 E.500[20]

From Brussels, Jan. 23.
Some Senators are gon from hence to Antwerp, to move
that city for the raising of such Monies as was agreed upon
with his Highness, according to their proportion, which they
are to deliver; some difficulties were made about it. Here
men long greatly to see the West-India Fleet safely arriving,
which would bring joy and encouragement to outs, if they
should miss the English Enemy.
From the Hague, Jan. 26.
We are desirous to know the issue of the Meeting betwixt
the King of Sweden and the Elector of Brandenburgh, and
the Lords Ambassadors of France and of the United Netherland
Provinces, which is to be held in the Town of Prussia
Holland. We hope, that safe and good means will be found
for accommodation, els greater Miseries will befall all those
parts for the generality. We hear little of the Polanders, who
are not very prosperous in their ways.
We understand our Ambassadors were highly entertained
by the Elector of Brandenburgh at Labiaw, being fetched in
with many Coaches, and are lodged in the Castle; so that we
expect a good account of their Mediatorship.
Whiteall, January 23.
The Parliament coming this day hither to congratulate
with his Highness for his happy deliverance from the late
bloudy designe against his person, his Highness gave them a
meeting in the Banqueting house, where the Speaker delivered
the sence of the House to this effect.
Some Heads of the SPEECH spoken by Mr Speaker to
His Highness, in the name of the Parliament.
He was but short, because of his Infirmity of
Body by sickness.
Applying himself to His Highness, he in the first place
took notice of the Advertisement that had bin given
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