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Mercurius politicus, Number 346, 22nd-29th January 1657 E.500[20]

He concluded, that such designes as these must be expected,
Plots, Conspiracies, and all that is wicked, out of the
bottomless pit, seeing the Devil, who is the Prince of darkness,
the fountain and father of mischief, will not let his emissaries
be idle, but he alwayes contriving, since this design would
not take, how another may be laid, that what one could not
effect, another may. Adding withal, That it was the humble,
and earnest Prayer of the Parliament to Almighty God
and their great hope, that God will, according to his wonted
grace and mercy, preserve his Highness, and watch over him
for good, that all the Plots of the Enemy, like the counsel of
Achitophel, may be turned into foolishness, and so order
things, that the best of the Adversarie's Productions may be
but to Produce Wind, and that Wind prove a mean to
scatter them, and all their contrivances.
Westminster, Monday. Jan 26.
The House was resolved into a Grand Committee upon the Bill for
uniting Ireland into one Commonwealth with England.
Tuesday, Jan 27.
After the House was sat, in respect of Mr. Speakers present indisposition
of body, the Lord Commissioner whitelock was voted to the
Chair, to supply the place of the Speaker, during his absence by occasion
A Bill Entituled, An Act enjoyning Ministers and other to perform
the duty of Catechizing, was this day read the first time, and ordered
to be read the second time on Saturday morning next.
Ordered that the Bill concerning the due observation of the Sabboth
be read the second time on Friday next.
The debate upon the Bill for maintenance of the Militia Forces be
adjourned till to morrow morning, and nothing to intervene.
Ordered, That the Declaration touching the day of Thanksgiving
be reported on Thursday morning next.
Some Committees were revived, and several Bills, appointed to be
read on several dayes.
Wednesday, 28.
The House according to former order resumed the debate upon
the Bill for maintenance of the Militia Forces.
Order is given that Sindercomb be brought to bin Trial, this Tearm,
for his Treason.
London Printed by T: Newcomb in Thamestreet over against Baynards-Castle.

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