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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

From Paris, March 24. S. N.
Last week, many of the Irish Priests and Friers who are
Fugitives in this City, celebrated the Feast of their Patron
St Patrick, in the place of their Residence within the Suburb
of St German where Cardinal Antonio Barberin, grand Almoner
of France, and who assumes the title of Protector of
the Iush Clergie, was present, with many Lords and Colonels
of the same Nation both at the Mass, and the Panegyrick
Oration pronounced in honor of that Suint, it being made by
ore of the Dominican Friers which came hither in company
with the Archbishop of Goa, Eavoye from the Crown of
My Lord Lockhart Ambassador from his Highness
of England, having some daies before made his Entry, and
had his Audience of the King with much honor, was on the
17. Instant complemented by the Count of Orval in the
Queens name, and had Audience of Monsieur in his Lodgings
within the Lovure, who received him with high Respects and
good Affection. The next day the same Ambassador went and
gave a Visit to the Cardinal.
On the 18. Instants the King retired to the Castle Vincennes.
The same day, the Cardinal was Godfather to the third
Son of his Niece, the late deceased wife of the Duke of Mercoeur,
and he named him Julius Cæsar.
On the 20. the Cardinal went to Vircennes being accompanied
by his Nieces the Princess of Con[unr]i and the Countess
of Soissons, and by his other Ne[unr]s the Damoiselles de Manchini.
In the way, betwixt that place and Piquepus, the king
did him the honor to meet and conduct him to the Castle,
where then Majesties, Monsieur, and all the Ladies, were
treated by his Eminence.
On the 22 the King and Cardinal returned hither early
being the Anniversary day of solomne Procession for there recucement
of Part to his Majesties obedience.
Yesterday, were performed the Funeral Solemnities of the
Lord Porapera Bellievre, first president of the Parliament in
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