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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

the Church of St. German. The whole Body of Parlament
was the day before invited by the 23. Cryers, according to
custome upon the like occasion. The Bishop of Amiens pronounced
the Funeral Oration with great Applause.
The Sieur de Cominges, Captain of the Queens Guards,
and Governer of Saumur, hath been made choice of by the
King to go Ambassador extraordinary into portugall, to condole
with that Court touching the death of the late King.
As touching Military Affairs, the Spaniard hath this year
gotten the start of us in Flanders by seting down before St
Ghilian, which (its feated) may have been forced by this
time to yield for want of provisions.
From Vienna 7 of March.
His Imperial Majestie hath sent out writs into all the hereditaries
dominions and principalities, for a Dyet to be held,
with all expedition, and there are summoned in Stire Mark
Carinthia, and Carniola, not only the horse, which the
Gentry and Nobilitie are to send in upon occasion of hostile
invasions, and the Train-bands of Cities and countries, to
body together; but also great store of ammunition is sent into
those foresaid principalities, for to oppose the Tur[unr] with all
the power they can being up, that they may prevent his passage
through the Imperial Territories toward Dalmatia.
From Konigsberg 9 March.
We are certified from Marienburg, that his Royal Majestie
of Sweden marched with 800. dragooners into the Dantzick
Warder, and desired the Embassadors of the Elector of Brandenburgh
to be pleased to tarty, till he returne againe. The
Brandenburger Generall Count Waldeck, is ready to go to
the army, which is to rendezvous near Thoren. It is in every
bodies mouth at Marienburg but its but a Report, that
the king of poland is deceased. The Moscovian Embassador
urgeth very much, that he might be expedied with all
From Dantzick, March 10.
The Sieur de Lombres, French ambassador, is not returned
as yet from the king of poland. The king of Sweden is at
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