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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

this present in our Werder, encouraging his Workmen in the
cutting and pulling down the banks of the River Weyssell:
which causeth here great perplexities, being it is a work of
great consequence, and will prove very prejudiciall to this
city, because the harbor will be filled up with Sand and will be
made useless, for any great ship to ride in. The Bishop of
Ermerland continues still with his Electorall Highness of
Brandenburgh to negotiate about the treaty of peace, betwixt
the two crowns of poland and Swedland.
From on board the Fairfax-Frigat in Lagos-Bay,
February 9, 1656.
These are to certifie you, that on the 6. of this instant, the
Worcester came to us, the rest that we wanted being come hither
This day the Reer-Admiral was made Vice-Admiral, and
Captain Stayner Reer-Admiral. We shall to day make an
end of taking in our Provisions, and it is determined, assoon
as we have made an end, to bear away for CadiZ. The Lord
vouchsafe his presence with us, and cause us to do those things
that may make most for his glory: We believe the Spaniard
will not fight us. If not, we shall find some further work.
We look upon this Fleet to be little inferiour to what it was
when it first left England; which is much, considering also
the good disposition of our men, after so long a being abroad,
and the severall fits of stormy and boisterous weather that
have passed.
Wednesday next is to be set apart for a day of Thanksgiving
to God for his Mercies lately received; especially the
deliverance we had in the Streights, when most of us were
forced to come to an Anchor on a Lee shoar.
Westminster, Thursday and Friday, 19, 20.
These two whole daies were spent in the debate for the
settlement of the peace and security of the Nation, and the
debate adjourned till Monday morning.
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