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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

Saturday 21. March.
Amendments were reported to the Bill for convicting of
Popish Recusants, which were read, and the Bill with the
Amendments upon the debate were committed, with several
directions to the Committee therein, the debate whereof
took up this day.
From the French Garrison of Quesnoy March the 20.
That which gave the Enemies Encouragement to make an
Attempt upon St. Ghilain, was the correspondence which they
had gained with some perfidious persons in that place. We understand
by some whom we took prisoners, that yesterday
Don John of Austria and Prince of Conde came into the
Camp, and they made immediately attaqued the Redoute, upon
which they made so Vigorous and impression, that ours, notwithstanding
they made a stout resistance, were glad to
quit it. Which being conceived by the Count of Schomberg
the Governor, he immediately sailled out of the town
with 100. Swisses, and fought so sloutly, that he recovered
the Place, and took 10 Spanish Captains prisoners.
Whereupon, the Enemies Generals were so irritated,
that they commanded out 6000 Foot, and stormed
the same Redoute again, and carried it, notwithout lesse of
good store of their men: this constrained the Governor
to retreat and keep close in the town, which he defends
with extraordinary valour, yet is to be feared he will be
forced to yield through want of Provisions.
From Colen, March. 13.
There is difference still remaining here between our
Magistrates and our Elector, about the matter of Jurisdiction.
which he would fain extend beyond his Bounds;
concerning which, before things grow to an extremity, they
have thought fit to send their complaints to Vienna to the
Yesterday a Gentleman belonging to the Elector of
Mentz passed through this City to goe to the Hague,
to presse the States General to conclude a defensive Alliance.
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