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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

Waterstood an ellthigh above the ground, which inestimable
loss and damage in mens memory will not be repaired. And
it is reparied that upon this the Wells and Springs, which
those or D[unr]zig have out of Radom and other Books, shall
like [unr] off from them, and that those Waters, called
K[unr]ud and Me[unr]w passing by Cuadend off, shall be [unr]ed.
from them which doubdes will cause that the North East-wind
which commonly in the Spring use [unr] to blow upon
the said paris, [unr] sill up the Haven of Dantzig with Sand and
obstructer. It seemeth that they will now experimentally see
the old Proverb verifiec; Falix quem faciunt aliena periculacautum.
Letters from Marienbourg do still confirme the arrival of
Ragotsky, and it is believed to be true, because all the Regiments
recieved orders yesterday. to be in readiness to march
and that also yesterday Colonel Drake with his Regiment and
baggage marched out of the chief Sconce; and in regard that
the said Regiment is the best that is in these parts, and is commanded
to march away, It is thought that is doth signifie
some great business in hand. [unr] The Field Marshal Steinbock
is like wise arrived with his Army in these parts and quarters
have bin taken up for him here. The said Prince Ragotsky
his Messengers that brought the Letters to his Majesty from
him, relate that 3000 Hungarians all horsemen, and 4000
Cossacks footmen are appointed for his Majesties service to
employ them somwhere else, which are already waiting not far
from Lowitz. So that we may shortly here something of
news. From Konigsberg we hear that it is confirmed that
the strong hold of Tykoczyn in Lithu[unr]nia hath been taken
by the Poles by assault, where the commander Colonel
Dietrich Rose hath set the Magazin of gunpowder on fire
and blew up all his men with the Poles, to shew the distinction
between the Swedish and Polonish Soldiers Courage and
Valor. The Levies go on very eagerly, and this week went
above 50 Officers into the Mark of Brandenbourgh, to get men
out of Sausatia Silesia, and Misnia, by reason that those Officers
that were sent thither heretofore, cannot list fast enough,
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