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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

because of the multitude of people that is stocking
into them.
From Coldinguen in Denmark, March 3.
Things are still in a tendencie to a Rupture betwixt
this Crown and Sweden. The Sieur Kleist
Ambassador of the Elector of Brandenburgh, and
the Sieur Durel, Resident of Sweden were at the
Diet at Odensea, laboring to bring matters to an
amicable composure, but nothing certain of that
nature can be expected. His Danish Majestie proceeds
vigorously in making Levies, and intends
to divide his Forces into three Bodies, one of
which is to be commanded by the General Ulrick-Christian
in the province of Schonen, where the
King himself intends also to appear in person; the
second by Generall Krabb in the Kingdom of
Norway; and the third by the General Bilden,
great Marshal of the Crown, in the province of
Whereupon, Resolution is taken also by the
Swedes, to make a notable opposition against
these Forces, General Wrangel recollecting all
that ever he can within the Dutchie of Bremen,
while the other Swedish General Axelius Lilie
with 20000 Foot, and 3000. horse, takes care to
guard the Frontires, and supplie the Garrisons.
From Rome February 27.
Through the Popes care for delivering this City
from the Pestilence, it is in a manner quite ceased.
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