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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

From Milan, Febr, 38.
Our Governer the Count of Fuensaldagne, perceiving
the Duke of Modena to go on vigorously
with his Levies, hath sent orders to the Governers
of our places upon the Frontires, to be in a posture
to stall [unr] upon their Guard, for feare of a surprisal
and in the [unr] time, according to the orders
sent from Spain, bee hath begun new Fortifications
about the Castle of this City. There are
thoughts also of pulling down the Suburbs of the
City of Pavia to make it the more tenable.
From Venice, Febr: 25.
The Moscovite Ambassadors have frequent
Conference with our Colledges of Senators, touching
the Proposition of a League offensive and
defensive against the Turk, whom the great Duke
promiseth vigorously to attaque by land, while
this Republick pursue their Conquests in the
Archipelago. We shall in a few daies understand
the issue of this Negotiation, which cannot but be
of very great advantage to this State, seeing it
would be a means to divert those Forces which the
Grand Seignior hath designed to send into Dalmatia;
where in the mean time our Proveditor
generals is making all possible Preparations for a
stout defence against so potent an Enemy.
From Constantinople we are assured of a discontent
among the Spahies and Ianisaries, they
demanding all that is due to them before they
March, which insolent combination of theirs so
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