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Mercurius politicus, Number 354, 19th-26th March 1657 E.502[15]

provoked the grand Stignior, that he caused two of the Ring-leaders
to be beheaded.
On the 20 instant, the popes Nuntio presented to the Colledge
of Senators 4 of the Jesuit-Fathers, one of which made
an Oration giving thanks for the reestablishing of their Society
within the dominions of this Republick. Which speech
being addressed to our Duke, he returned them an answer
with high Satisfaction.
From Nismes in France 26 February. 1657.
We are very much troubled in this Province, the King at
the solicitation of the Assembly of the Clergy having issued
an Arrest in his Council whereby he ordereth that all the consuls
of [unr]ontpellier shall be Papists, contrary to four former
Arrests whereby half were to be Protestants.
The Count de Ruvote the Kings Lieutenant in Vivarais
lately promoted to the Government of the Citadel of the said
Mon[unr]pellier, hath passed this way going to take possession
of the same, and at the same time to put in execution
that last Arrest of the Council, and settle the said Consus.
Upon Thursday next the same is to be executed. Those
of our communion are opposing the same, being resolved
to undergoe all kinde of extremities rather then to suffer that
There is a great up were in the [unr] City and the Ordinance
of the Citadel is said to be ready pointed to force the habitants
to obedience.
The Protestant Deputies are gone this morning from
hence to endeavour the Composing of the difference that the
[unr] might equor[unr]ed, and the business refered to the K's
further consideration. We are alarmed and impatient expecting
the end of that business. Might it please God to hinder
left it be a bloody sacrifice, and dispose all things within the
order of Justice if that injustice bed one to us is [unr] blow,
and if we suffer it, we shall be daily more [unr] more wronged
on all sides, and our priviledges brought to nothing. The Lord
be pleased to remidie it.
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