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Mercurius politicus, Number 376, 13th-20th August 1657 E.505[14]

Numb. 3767
Mercurius Politicus,
The sum pf Forein Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the there Nation
For Information of the People,
------ It à verters Seria{Her at, de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday August 13, to Thursday August 20. 1657.
From the Hague August 13.
THe Lores States Generall have published this
Edct following: Whereas we have not as yet
gotten the Ratification of the King of France,
concerning the Agreement made betwixt the
French Ambassador and the States of the united
Provinces, there upon we think it necessary to prohibite
by these presents till further order that no trading should go
by water and by land into France from these parts, nor, any
have passes or other Letters for to go thither, upon paine of
the losse of ships, waggons, Carts. Horses, Goods, if any he
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