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Mercurius politicus, Number 376, 13th-20th August 1657 E.505[14]

taken offending, besides the forfeiting of 1000 gilders, answerable
to the fromer Edicts, viz. one third for the informer,
one third for the Officer, and one third for the common good
&c. And least any pleading nor ane [unr] besp[unr]ctibe Provinces
are ordered to publish this Edict. Actum, August 8 Inrolled,
Be Veren. signed Ruysch.
From Candia July 3
The Turks under the command of Vssaim Bassa having
made preparations for war a good while, came on last night
suddenly, and w[unr]h storming ladders and like instruments for
storming preson this City with an into to sa[unr] they
came on furiously; 500 of them within the City cryed out
alowd, Turks, Turks. Thereupon the Chaines were drawn,
the soldiers and Citizens come to [unr]ly, and [unr] Turks
drove them out; there upon they issued forth, brought the
Turks into a disorder, and put many of them to the word.
The Furks left behind 29 Eusignes; 5 Comets, which they
put up on the wall: for the victory thanks were returned in
the Church these Corneas and Einsignes are now banged up
in the Church 1400 of the Turks slain, 2100 taken prisoners,
and a great Booty.
From Cadiz in Spain July 17.
The Spainsh Merchants grieve now because they gave too
great a price for the French ship Regina, which ship lyeth
in the Haven. None dareth venture to get it into the Sea,
they would sell it for 4000 rixdollers. We expect here Vice-Admiral
de Ruyter his Fleet who is to go from [unr] to the
Coasts of Portugal.
We hear now that the States of Holland have red [unr] the
said French ship: it will cost more the bringing away on it
three time then it is worth.
From the Holland sleet, commanded by Viceadmirast
de Ruyter, July 20.
On the 5. of July we sent a Letter to the Commander of
the French ships in the Haven de Spetia, by which we gave
him to understand, that France and the United Provinces of
Holland were agreed; there upon he had liberty to goe whither
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