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Mercurius politicus, Number 376, 13th-20th August 1657 E.505[14]

unto his Majesty, by whom she was deceived, as she had
lately bin by the Queen, with all the cordial demonstrations
of contentment that might be desired.
The next day the King gave here a visit in her Apartments
as also did Morisieur and the Cashinal. At supper she was
magnificently treated by their Majesties in the Castle, where
after supper they gave her the divertissement of a Bal.
On the 9 the Marquis of Vandy, [unr] tenant General in
his Majestirs Armies was by his Majesty honored with the
Charge and Government of Mo[unr]med, in-acknowledgmens
of the great services by him done in 16 several Campagnes,
and particulafly in the late siege before that place, where be
recieved divers wounds and shots.
On the 11, their Majesties went to recreate themselves with
walking in the Park, where after a little space, the King and
Monsieur, Mademoiselle D'Orlearis; and divers other great
Ladies mounting on horsback, made a gallant revaluate.
Yesterday, Madamesselle taking leave of there Majesties,
went hence toward the waters, being ton[unr]ucted by a Brigade
of the Guards of the Kings.
The same day, Marshal de la Ferte awed here, and hath
been complemented by all the great one of the Court,
touching the siege of Martmedl[unr].
From Mauzen August 13.
We have Intellingence, have the Enemy no sooner Heard of
the reducement of Montmede; but they immediately reited
with all their Forces towards their place of strength; particularly
toward Recroy, which place the Prince of Conde hath
undertaken to take care of, supposing tart it might be attmpeted
by our Armies, when all united together. In the mean
time Marshal Tureine is advanced to visit the Enemy in their
own Country.
As the Seffions in the Old Buily the 14 of August:
That which was most rema keable there was, three men and three
women, received Judgment to die for their sevetall offences, viz.
Nathanil Butler Servant to a Cloth Drawer, for muriher one
K[unr]ight an Apprentice to a Silk man at the end of Mrik street, these
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