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Mercurius politicus, Number 376, 13th-20th August 1657 E.505[14]

two were of long acquainatance, and by reason of the absence of
Kinghts Master, this Butler came and lay with the young man for
14 nights to gether, in which time he had the sight of the Cash which
was in the young mans keeping; after which he couse not the at quiet
hot being set on the Instigation of the Irevill, thought how to
compass the money, and finding no way to accomplish his desires
without the knowledge of the said Knight, be resolved to Murther
him which he effected in this nature, the day before the Fact was
committed these two were a Fishing and coming home went to Bed
to gether, the who ole right this Butler could not steep, but being betwixt
feare and disparr of what the intended, past the night unite about
sour in the morning at which time he arose with his knise
drawne, and gave a but at the young mans throat, but it light upon
some pert of his Face, which a wakened, the young man, and cansed
him to stragle hard for life. The Murther having the Advantage
clapt his hand upon the other month, and so in short time cut his
Throat which being done, he takes the Keys and opens the Till
where the money lay, and carries away two baggs, in which was
about 120. l. which money was found in a new Trunke of the said
Batters, in his Masters house, without Tmbislement, (onely what
he paid for the Trunkes) Hais a preheating was very strange for he
past unsuspected four daies cogether, and came severall time to the
house where he had done this wicked Act. not having power to fly,
but being taken by a Mashals Man upon a bare suspition, in a very
short time he confest the Fact, and what induced him to it, which
was the covetious desire of money: But as his sin was great so his
repentance in the appearance of man is very great, crying night and
day for mercy, and rolunch [unr]ily on knowledging the nevnousoess of
his offence upon with srgnes and hops of the repontance and
that he might be the better prepared for making his peace with God,
the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, with the rest of the Bench,
hath given him time untill Monday come seveninght, the 24 instant,
an then he is to suffer death in Cheapside.
The rest were Captain John Bernard formerly a Captain of Horse
in Scotland; convict for breaking the House of Collonel Winthrop.
Thomas Welch for Horse stealing.
Mary Gold, for stealing a Salver Beaker, Mary Burson, for being,
accessory to the same.
Elizabeth Prichard for Murthering her Bastrard Child.
There were 14 Branded in the hand, and 7 recieved Judgment to
be whip'd.
From Franck ford, 2 August.
The C[unr]tholick Elector at Prmes will not allow, that any
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