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Mercurius politicus, Number 376, 13th-20th August 1657 E.505[14]

Ambassadors of Spain, France or other strangers, should he
admitted to lodge within the City before the Election day be
[unr]ted. The Popes Munitions expected, coming from ce[unr]
his Lodings are bes[unr] know without the City The King of
Hungarse brings a Guard with him of 6000 horse and from
which are to be enquartedim Ashastenburg, and the adjacent
place there unto: His Majesty desired of the Magistrates here
that they would let him for the present hire 500 house for,
his followers and Majesty men; but it was the him.
Whitehald Thursday August 13
HIs Highness the [unr] Praetor and his penty Council
taking notice of the hand of God. which at this time is
gone out against this Nation, in the present v[unr]atlon by sickness
that is much spread over the Land, which calls upon the
People of this Nations to humble themselves in a solema
maner before the Lord, and to seek his face in not erne there
an to; his Highness and the Council have though sit to set
apart to morrow seven-night being Friday; the one and
twentieth day of this Moneth, for a day of Solemn Fasting and
Humiliation for the ends aforesaid, to be observed within the
Cities of London and Westminster, and the late Lines of
Communication, and Weekly Bils of Mortality, and all other
places in this Nation to whish notit[unr] here of shall come, not
doubting but the People of God in other pace of the Nation
also will be forward in their particular Congregations to
Duty so necessary at this time.
This day the right Honorable Collonel Ph[unr]p Jones, being
admitted of his Highness Privy Council, took the Oath of
Privy Councellor, presoribed by the Humble Additional and
Explanatory Petition and Advice of the Parliament.
August, 15.
The Portugal Ambassador is not yet come to London;
but its conceived he will some time next week.
These three daies, we have been in expectation of the Dutch
Post, and he is not time enough arived; so that we have no
new Account concerning Affaires in Poland, net touching the
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