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Mercurius politicus, Number 378, 27th August-2nd September 1657 E.505[18]

the Fleet, who are ready to set saile with the first wind.
From Sedan, August 27. S. N.
On the 21,. their Majesties of France, being attended by
Monsieur the Princess of Conti, and divers other great Lords
and Ladies, went to encourage the building of a new Church
which they had given order for; and it is to be built under the
names of St. Lew is and St. Anne. The Bishop of Rodes performed
the Ceremony, and all the Religions were assisting,
coming thither in Procession and followed by a great concourse
of People; and His Majesty with his own hands laid the
[unr]st. stone.
The next day being the 22, their Majesties having received
Testimonies of Zeal and fidelity, by the Submissions of the
Rody of this City, and the Acclamations of all the Inhabitants,
departed hence to lodge that night near Charleville.
From Cherteville, August 27. S. N.
Their Majestles having a desire to view this place in their
way towards La Fere, they arrived here the 23 infant, the
King by the way of Mont Oly[unr], the Queen by Mezieres,
where all the great guns were discharged. At the said MontOlympe,
the King alighted out of his Coach, and mounted on
horse-back, and before he entered here, he would needs satissie
his curiosity, being conducted by the Duke of Nolrmen stier
out Governor, to view first our Out-works, then the Body of
the Place, who gave his Majesty an Account of every particular,
and the reason thereof, in the hew Fortifications which he
had caused to be made, which his Majesty highly approved,
and found to answer the utmost of that Reputation which
same had given to this Place.
At his entrance here, his Majesties Levrenant, in the [unr]d
of the whole garrison, and the Corporation in arms rece[unr]d
his Majesty, and our Consuls made a seepch to him in presence
of the Duke of Noir monstier, who presented the Keys, and conducted
his Majesty to the Place prepared for his lodging, whither
the Magistrates followed to render their submissions to
their Soveraigne. Afterward their Majesties were sumptuonsly
treated our Governor, and the Inhaditants to maniselt
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