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Mercurius politicus, Number 378, 27th August-2nd September 1657 E.505[18]

their Joy, made mirth and Bonfires all nigh: The new day their
Majesties departed.
From Breslaw, August 11.
Some Scots and other passengers coming from Russie.
Lemburg make relation, that Chimilinsky is for certain come
with a good Army of Cossauks to the Transylvanian Prince
Pagotzi; these have given so good content to the Tartars,
thereby they have obliged the Tartars not to send any assistance
to the Polanders. The Besiegers before Crakew goe on
but slowly in their work. The Austrian forces are mal-content,
finding but poore entertainment among the Polanders;
and receive no satisfaction at all according to the promises
made unto them.
From Vienna, August 15.
On Friday last the deceased Emperors Widdow went to
Marienzet, and Count Kurtz is gone to Leidtmeritz, thither
goeth also the King of Hungarle and the Archduke Leopold
is coming from Prague, with an intent, to have a private conference
with the Prince Elector of Saxonie. Betwixt our forces
on the Frontier and the Turks, there hath been a hot skirmish
where the Count of Serin, with his forces, was in great danger:
Count Bouchain is advanced with his forces neare unto
From Franckford, August 26.
The 22 August arived here the Ambassador of the Prince
Elector, of Trier, who was received in the same manner, as
the rest of the Ambassadors were. The 23 of August eleven
in the forenoon the French Ambassador went to the Prince
Elector of Mentz accompanied with 9 Coaches, to visit him.
And yesterday morning about [unr] in the forenoon the said
Prince Elector of Mentz gave a visit to the French Ambassador
Lord Grammo[unr]t, who was by the said Ambassador entertained
at dinner.
From Hamborough, August 14.
The Landgrave of Homburg went yesterday with 30 Troupers
to the King of Sweden, who is in Holstein, on the
same day there came hither from the said King, the two Dukes
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