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Mercurius politicus, Number 386, 15th-22nd October 1657 E.505[33]

Numb. 306.
Mercurius Politicus,
The sum of Forein Intelligence, with
the Affaire now on foot in the three Nations
For Information of the People.
---It à verters Seria {Heart, de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday October 15. to Thursday October 22. 1657.
From Madrid in Spain, September 28.
NEw Onders are sent hence to our Generals,
requiting them to advance to
Ba[unr]ayox, to make head against the Portugals.
The Council for the Affairs of the
Indies have built a very light nimble
vessel consived on purpose for swife
failing to carry dispatches hence to the
Viceroy in the in dies, and return with Answers upon all
occasions. Our fleet designed to go into those Parts,
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