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Mercurius politicus, Number 386, 15th-22nd October 1657 E.505[33]

will (we hope) be ready in a short time.
The Viceroy ship of Sicilie being vacant upon
the great Prior of Navarros being elected grand
Master of Malta, it hath been offered to the Mar-of
Tavara, but he desireth to be excused from the
His Majesty hath caused a Proclamation to be
set forth, wherein he is pleased to prohibit all
laces of Gold or Silver, and the wearing of all
Stuffs or Clothes whatsoever, of the Manufacture
of France, England or Portugall.
It is supposed our fleet will be ready to go out
for the Indies some time before the end of November,
if they can have the opportunity.
From Brussels October 13. S. N.
There is great rejoycing here, supposing the
French Army, was forced to return home, because
they wanted Victuals. The Count of Marcin
did lye with strong Forces on the Coast betwixt
Dunkirk and Wynocksbergn endeavoring
to, give some him france to the French Dosigne,
But it could not be. His Highness Don John of
Austria is in Dunkitk, and the prince of Conde
is at Wynocksbergen, endeavoting to [unr]
the Forces they possibly can to a Body for [unr]
disturb if possible, the fortifying of Mardike and,
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