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Mercurius politicus, Number 386, 15th-22nd October 1657 E.505[33]

From Flushing of the same date.
Cornelius Everson, who is gone with a squadron
of men of war to Cross the Coast, is said
to be about Bocht, for to keep clear the coasts
as much as he may, from Robbers. An Adventurer
is gone in the squadron, seting out from
Midleborough. Of late Captain Dromcap, an
Adventurer, fought valiantly against a Portugal
ship which had up 18 Guns, and 50 Mariners,
30 passengers, and a hundred Negroes, laden with
110 Chests of sugar, and a great quantity of Cottony
this ship is taken, coming from Saint Thome
of Angola and it is expected with the next opportunity
she will be brought in hither.
From Lubeck October 11.
The last Letters speak, that the Swedish fleet
was about Wismar, where his Majesty of Sweden
was expected from Wolgast. And (as it is
further certified) the Danish Fleet consisting of
30 men of war and some small vesscls sailing away
from Mena, went directly toward Wismar
for to fight the Swedish fleet.
From Hamburgh October 6.
The last Letters we had from Mecklenburgh
intimate that the King of Sweden was then at
Wolgast, and that his Majesty was expected at,
Wismar where the Swedish fleet lyeth; thitherwards
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