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Mercurius politicus, Number 7, 18th-25th July 1650 E.608[11]

Drums, Colours, Ammunition, &c. And for the encouragement
of such new-raised officers and soldiers, if they be continued,
in service longer than was intended, the Parliament hath declared
the same care shall be taken for them, as for the Army under the
immediate conduct and command of the Generall.
Lastly, To charge Horses, Waines, and Carts, upon all
occasions of service for the forces so raised, and to govern them
according to the Rules and orders of the Lord Generals Army.
And notwithstanding that the Parliament are thus busied
in Affairs of war, for the necessary defence of Nation, yet
(like true Patriots) their thoughts are taken up likewise with
care, for the ease and benefit of the people. To this purpose,
an Act is framing, to correct the cruelty of our Country-hucksters,
and bring down the Prices of all sorts of grain, and for
the prevention of other abuses in meal, &c. So that you see,
we are like to have bread this year, if the Northern Reformers
do not come and take it out of our mouths, or help in with
our Harvest.
And if they should, then I wonder what our wise men o
London would gain by the Bargain, for all the Brotherhood:
For, the Worm in the brain begins to work wonders, and
creates Scotch Armies by Thousands, as appears this week by
divers Letters intercepted, every jot as learnedly endited, as
if the Authors had been Secretaries to Master Bunce the wandring
My Lord,
MY humble service; I received yours. That to Mr. Jones
he came for this morning, read it, but said nothing: By the
sheets sent you may guess how many sheets it will make; it will be
near finished in 14. dayes: The Printer thinks it will make but
12. or 13. sheets. This day one Captain Levins was Executed at
the Exchange, his fault is said to be the receiving Commissions
from his Majesty, to disperse here in England; It went for currant
till he came to execution, that it was Dr. Lewin, your Lordships
good friend: He was from White-hall guarded (both with
foot and horse) to his execution. The Northern news is uncertain,
the Scots keep all things close; It is feared they will turn Tables,
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