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Mercurius politicus, Number 7, 18th-25th July 1650 E.608[11]

Oh, but Charls, thou spellest thy Lesson wrong, and readest
Intelligence backward for the credit of thy name sake. What,
threescore thousand! This is according to the Royal Faith, and
the Scotch Arithmetick, and may help to make up the reputation
of a victory, when once they are reduced, according to
the old destiny of that Nation and Family. Thus,
The King of France, with forty thousand men,
Went up the Hill, and so came down agen.
Friday, July 19.
BUt this day produced a madder scab then the other, and
his Epistle is superscribed to one Mr. Bradshaw; a name
that shall live with Honor in our English Histories, but this
Gentleman is (it seems) of another constitution, as appears by
his receipt of Intelligence from London. It was inclosed in
another Letter, directed to Mr. Thomas Feltham, at the Sign of
the Maremaid in Norwich, to be by him delivered; and here
you have a true Copy, to a Tittle.
AS to the present Affairs of Scotland, the Scots and their
yong King (which signifie but one) so perfectly is all accorded
between the yong Tarquin, as they call him, his Mistress the
Kirk, and them all) are very strong, and very well disciplined of
themselves, yet they have some soveraign Horse amongst them of
Swedes, Swissers, and Danes besides some English; they lie entrenched
to gain advantages, and every day gain them much; they
in the Scotch Camp pray much, and sing Psalms more, which
Cromwell and his men loves not to hear, therefore to avoid the
hearing of the Scotch Ditties, it is said he is come back to York,
and hath sent Col. Pride, a principal Engineer of his, for more men
by 10000. At White hall they can say but little to the number,
therefore to the City they address, by the means of the Worthy
Skippon, who makes Speeches to the Cuckold Citizens, to train
them out again, by the Way of Trained bands, but its thought Skippons
Rhetorick will not much prevail, for the Citizens bussel
much, and grumble more, and the presbyters horns begin to appear
again above the Independents, especially since the fiery tryal
and banishment of their great Rabbi Jenkins. The Presbyters are
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