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Mercurius politicus, Number 7, 18th-25th July 1650 E.608[11]

Turks men of War, which were in number 14 and eight of
them having been upon the Coast of England, took divers
Ships in the Channell. But the Zealanders have sent to pursue
them with a considerable Navy, for the recovery of all the
Shipping; and if we chance to lose all by these Pagans, it is just
the same sauce, as our Christian Turks of France are pleased to
serve us.
But a Time will come, wherein they must pay for all; and
in the mean time it is certified from the Streights, that our
Fleet hath had the good hap to meet with three of them, and
chastise them for their Piracie; for, it came to a hot dispute,
and in the end one of the French was sunk, and the other two,
being vessels that were newly trimm'd, were too nimble for
ours that have been soaking long at Sea, so that they made an
escape, to acquaint the rest of their Confederates, that there is
no passing in and out at Lisbon, to assist Rupert; who is grand
Patron and Protector of Them, and all their Theeveries at Sea,
ever since he was beaten out of his Title of Captain Generall
of all the Plunderers in England.
Not any letters are come yet since the former, concerning the
Advance of our noble Generall, whom we reckon ere this time
to be upon Scotish ground, according to the calculation made
out of severall expresses from the Army; and the Sence of all
in brief is: That about Saturday last they resolved to be near
Berwick, and so on without delay: That the Soldiery were
very unanimous and couragious. That they were accommodated
with a months provision, and order is taken to send after
them sufficient for two months more: That by Intelligence
from Edenburgh they understand the Scotch Cavaliers begin
to grow very insolent and brisk, which creates many jealousies
in the heads of the Kirk men and their Creatures: That they
are 10th to Crown their King, till they are a little better acquainted
with him; and therefore have deferred his Coronation
to the next Session of Parliament, which will not be before the middle
of August, and then God knows where; That their design is, whilst we
enter Scotland one way, to invade us another; but there are Traps provided
to catch the Vermin, touching which I refer you to our next Intelligence,
when we come to matter of Action.
London Printed for Robert White,

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