Sign in
Mercurius politicus, Number 12, 22nd-29th August 1650 E.610[7]

more in England than in Scotland, unlesse it be in a Signepost.
Numb. 5. [The Plague landed out of Ireland in the western
Parts, much about the same time with young Tarquin in Scotland:
But which is the greater Plague of the two, the Kirk her selfe
may determine, ere shee have passed over two Moons, and breathed
a veine or two for the cure of her Phrensie.
Numb. 4. You may read more to the same purpose, how
that [He must once more be proclaimed King by sound of Bag-pipe
in all the Towns of Scotland, that (when the Kirk sees fit) He
may be sent after his beloved Cousin Montrose, with the greater
solemnity, upon the day of Coronation; or he turned over to the
Commons of England, to save charger, and compleat the Ceremonie.]
Numb. 7. [one Rout takes downe their mettall, and the word
Common-wealth will relish at well as that of a Kingdome, goe
downe like Marmelade and Monarchy; and all will be as well as
can be, According to the Covenant.]
Numb. 6. [May they at length finde a scourge for their partiality
and bypocrisie, in cutting off Montrose, and kissing the
Breech of his Majestie, till they see it necessary to call him a side, and
crowne him with a blue Bonnet under a Crab tree, In the meane
time, I shall leave a blanckpage (or two) to insert Commission of
the Kirk's owne penning for an High Court of Justice, with an
Elegie; an Epitaph, and such odde Knacks of their charitable invention
with all other Ceremonies and Solemnities, which way serze
to make an end of a Scotch Reformation.
Thursday, August 22.
ANd as (I told you long since) there's not a Cavalier in
England, but swears this it will come to; so it hath pleased
the Kirk, lately, of her own Accord, to signifie as much (in
effect) by way of Declaration, which they sent to his Excellency
the Lord Generall Cromwel, as that which conteins the state
of their Quarrell, and take it with my Paraphrase (as followeth)
for your better understanding.
The Commissioners of the generall Assembly having at length
put on their considering blue-caps, do find, that since they have
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