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Mercurius politicus, Number 12, 22nd-29th August 1650 E.610[7]

therefore counsell'd to this Compliance, by them who assisted
his Father & himself in thier most desperate designes: Not is it
possible, that the Scots, in the way that they now are in should
be able secure either Themselves, or England.
Lastly, it is added, for the Scots Information; That if the
State of the Quarrell be thus, upon which (as they say) they
resolve to fight, our Army attends there for that purpose; and
therfore the Scots cannot Coplain for want of an oportunity, & c.
From the Camp at Pencland
hills. August. 14. 1650. Signed O. Cromwell.
This day Col. Andrews was beheaded at Tower-hill; concerning
whose deportment, wee shall say no more but this;
That being Upon the Stage of death, he used all his Art to Act
the Lord Capell, to whom hee had formerly been Secretary in
the time of Warre, and by that means arived, through the curtesie
of Friends, to the Title of a Colonel.
Friday, August 23.
BUt this day I was given to understand of an attempt made
yesterday upon the Parliament in the behalfe of Andrews,
and against the High Court of Justice, by way of Petition, from
some that are called Levellers, but no body would present it.
My Intelligence faith there is good ground, to believe, is was
hatched at a merry meeting, and that the charge of the good
Cheere was born by some of Andrews his friends; and the penner
was so gone (it seems) that he forgot to give the Parliament
their due Title, as may appeare by the draught it selfe, which
here we give you verbatim.
To the Right Honourable the Commons of England,
Assembled in Parliament.
The humble Petition of divers well-affected people, Inhabitants of
the Cities of London & Westminster, the Borough of Southwark,
Hamlets, and places adjacent, Promoters and approvers
of the Petition of the 11. of Septemb. 1648.
THat although we abhorre nothing more, then the designing
of any thing to the danger and prejudice of this Common-wealth
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