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Mercurius politicus, Number 12, 22nd-29th August 1650 E.610[7]

of the place to the King's service against the common
The Count de Bussy Lamet Governour of Mezieres, with his
Regimene of 400. horse is to passe hither this day going towards
the said Mezieres: he sent a Message hither to know
whether he can passe thither without being charged by Marshall
de Thurenne's forces which will be very difficult.
Buzancy holds out still stoutly, the enemies have not yet taken
the Mill, that is bard by the Castle.
This day a Report fled abroad in every mouth, as if the Scots had been
routed, &c. It was occasioned by a mistake sent hither in a Letter from Carlisle;
but before night, wee were certified it was no such matter though I
looke upon it to be a Trueth possible and probable enough, and in the
mean time reckon it as it were but the fore-stalling of a successe, by a Prophetick peece of Intelligence.
It was reported by one who came from Ireland, that Waterford and Duncannon
are both at length surrendred upon Articles. These are two of the
strongest Holds in that Nation, a very fair Earnest of a totall Reduction, and
a notable Testimony of the Lord Deputies indefatigable Industry.
Tuesday, August. 27.
FRom a sure hand, came another Breviat of forein Intelligence, out of
Flanders, Germany, France, and Switzerland, which take as followeth.
From Brussels. August. 27.
WEE have no other Newes from the Army, but tint his Highnesse the
Archduke Leopoldus doth continually keepe his quarter in a place
called Inomon, foure leagues from Rhetel, and all the Troops round about
the said place, from whence the horse does continue to make inroades to
the very Towne of Rheims, where it is said are five or six thousand men of
the Enemy, without making show in any wise before our men. The Marquisse
Sfondrat is at Irson, where he hath made some fortifications, no man
knowes for what designe.
From Liege the 23. of August.
THe 20. of this Moneth the Swedes departed from this Countrey, after
they had received the whole summe which they had demanded, and
have taken their march towards Aix, it is not yet knowne whether they are
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