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Mercurius politicus, Number 17, 26th September-3rd October 1650 E.613[17]

Numb. 17.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the Summe of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs, and Designs
now on foot, in the three Nations
of England, Ireland, and Scotland.
In defence of the Common-wealth, and
for Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria Ludo.{Hor. de
From Thursday, Septemb. 26. to Thursday, October 3. 1650.
SInce after the miserable Confusions of a
civill warr, there is in the end a necessity
of some settlement, it cannot in reason
bee imagined (when the Coutroversie
is decided by the Sword) that the Conquerers
should, as to the manner of settlement,
submit to the will of the Conquered
Party, though more in number
than Themselves; Nor are They obliged to settle the Government
again, according to the former Lawes and Constitutions,
but may, in this case, use such means as Nature
instructs Them in, and erect such a Form as They themselves
conceive most convenient for their own preservation. For
(the Learned say, that) in, or after a Civill war, the written
Laws (viz. the established Laws of a Nation) are of no Force,
but only those which are not-written, that is, which are agreeable
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