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Mercurius politicus, Number 33, 16th-23rd January 1651 E.622[8]

Numb. 33.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the summe of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations of
England, Ireland, and Scotland.
In defence of the Common-wealth, and
for Information of the People.
------Ità vertere Seria Ludo. {Hor. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday January 16. to Thursday January 23. 1651.
IT is to be understood as a Covenant
of every Member of a Commonwealth,
to contribute their severall
Forces for the defence of the whole;
whereby to make one Power as sufficient
as is possible for their preservation.
And since the use of every
mans strength is transferred to Him,
or Them, that have the Sword of Justice, it followeth, that
the power of Defence, that is to say, the Sword of Warre,
be in the same hands wherein is the Sword of Justice; And
consequently, those two Swords are but one, and that inseparably
and essentially annexed to the Supreme Power.
Moreover, seeing to have the Right of the Sword, is nothing
else but to have the use thereof, depending onely upon
the judgement and discretion of him, or them that have it,
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