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Mercurius politicus, Number 33, 16th-23rd January 1651 E.622[8]

the Countries of Barrois, Loraine, Sarbrugghe, &c. before
they could safely get into the County of Luxenburg, having
endured much hardship upon the ways for want of provisions
both for man and Horse; by reason of the Archduke Leopoldus
his men quartering upon the Confines of those places,
which they still hold in this Country. The French are continually
up on their guard, and always ful of fears and jealousies
that they are upon their march, & drawing near them, which
oftentimes fals out according to their expectation, and now
and then they meet one another, with various success on
both sides. Amongst the rest; those of the Town of Bassce.
having advise that five Companies of Foot were come to lodg
in the little village of Seclin, between the Town of Lille and
Brassce, they came in the night, and surprised the most part
of those that were lodged and quartered upon the Inhabitants,
and carryed them prisoners to Bassce; but all those
that were upon the guard, at the Court of Guard, defended
themselves bravely and kept their pass. Likewise and Arch-Dukes
men drove away the French from the Castle of Ehelsbeke,
belonging to the Baron of the same name, who is the
head-Bayliff in this County. On the other side, the French
have taken from the Archduke's men, in the Country of West,
the Castle of West-Capelle, with some other small place; so
that these takings and re-takings are of so little consequence,
that they are not worth taking notice of. Last Saturday, the
14. of this instant, the Earl of Fnensaldagne, went from this
Town of Brussels for Namur; and the day after, his highness
the Duke of Loraine followed him, there to meet the Marshall
of Turenne, who was come thither from the Town of
Arlon, to have a conference together, and to make some new
agreement, and to conclude on some new designe against the
next Spring; God give them better success then the last. The
Duke of Vendosme, Governour of the Dukedom of Bourgoigne,
for the King of France, hath caused the Brothers
of the Earl of Tavanes to be imprisoned, (formerly
the said Earl was Governor of Bellegarde for the Imprisoned
Princes) it is not yet known for what cause; for the first
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