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Mercurius politicus, Number 33, 16th-23rd January 1651 E.622[8]

fault, for having sided with the Imprisoned Princes; hath been pardoned
and forgotten, at the same time, by the Cardinal Mazarin himself.
One of the Messengers belonging to Paris, called Bertyn, a
Frenchman born, but was naturalized in these parts, the better to
manage his businesses there, being pass'd by this town 8,' or 10. dayes
ago, coming to Bassce, he desired or the Governor a Drummer, which
was granted him; and going with him towards Berhnne, he was set upon
by two Theeves, who caused him to light, and having made him
deliver up his money: they were not contented, but made him pull off
his Doublet, thinking to meet with a purchase there; and not finding
it as they thought, grew very angry, and asked him, If he jeered them,
with that Pistoll'd him immediately, taking his Horse and Portmantle
along with them. The poor Drummer saved himself at the first, telling
the Messenger that those were Rogues before they came at them.
Three Domesticks (all three Low-Country men) belonging to the
Cardinall Trivultio Vice roy in Sardinia, stole out of his Cabinet by
night Thirty thousand pound sterl. in Pistols, and the value of Forty
thousand pounds in Jewels; and with this spoil they scaled the wall;
and saved themselves aboard of a Ship belonging to Captain Hans
Richers, which lay at an Anchor before the Town of Cailleri, (the
chief City of the Island of Sardinia, where the Vice King keeps
his Court) being ready to weigh ancor, and perform her voyage;
for, the said Ship came from Venice richly laden with Silks and other
Merchandises for the Town of Amsterdam. When the Vice King had
notice of his loss, and of the absence of his servants, he caused diligent
search to be made after them, and finding likewise the said Ship
to be gone imediately after it, he suspected, they might have saved
themselves in the Ship, therefore immediately he sent a Gallie well
mann'd after the Ship, who came in fight of the ship, but seeing
the Captain had made his Ship ready to receive them, they durst not
come neer him, but were fain to return without effecting any thing;
which when the Vice-King had understood, he knew full well which
way his wealth was gone.
The Earl of Logneville begins to amend apace beyond the opinion of
all the Doctors.
The Duke of Lorain having removed the garrison of
Barleduc (as I told you in my last) and having left onely
sixty men in the Castle, they were beseiged by the French,
and after three daies resistance they yeilded themselves upon
composition. New forces are a raising here up and down to
be sent to the Marshal of Turenue. His Highness the Archduke
Leopoldus intends to take some speedy course to raise
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