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Mercurius politicus, Number 33, 16th-23rd January 1651 E.622[8]

monie for the payment of the Souldiers, that so they may live
no longer upon free quarter up and down the Country to
the utter ruine of the Inhabitants, if not timely prevented.
From the Hague, 19. January 1651.
THe young Prince was christened last Saturday in great
State & was name Willielmus Frederic Henricus. There
accompanied him at least 30. Coaches with fix horses, all covered
with mourning, the States General, States of Holland
States of Utrecht, of Zealand, the Townes of Delse, Leyden,
and Amsterdam, were his Godfathers; the Queen of Bohemia
and the Princess Dowager, were his Godmothers; a
Pension of two Thousand pound per annum, with many other
gifts, have already been given to the young Prince.
The States are not yet met. There is now more hopes then
ever of a fair understanding between them. Zealand is for
certain joyned with Holland; here is a talk of sending over
old Joachimi into England, to desire all manner of friendship
between England and Holland. It is thought when the
States are once met, they will never part, but make it a
continuall Assemblie.
FRIDAY, January 17.
Came another of the 8. instant, from Edenburgh.
SOme Particulars must not be omitted, though past a while
since. The King of Scots having received his Crown the
first the new-year, entertained the Parliament with a
Speech-full of pretences to gain a belief of his being a new
man, and desired them to appoint a Fast for his sins. But
while they fast for his sins he repeats them as fast, and takes
in Malignants by Sholes. As for his Tutor, Loudoun the
Chancellor, his Lordship will need some aid against the
Kirk, who by her Commissioners hath questioned him for
Adultery, and a Murther that followed it.
Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Goutray, Mr. Gillespie, and others do
dissent, and in their dissent withdraw, I mean from the
Actings of the Parliament; especially in their condemning
the Western Remonstrance.
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