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Mercurius politicus, Number 59, 17th-24th July 1651 E.637[17]

We have sent a party of 100 Foot, and som few Hors and Dragoons, under
the command of cap. Badger, to possess Newark, an house that lyes upon
the western Frith; which is very commodious to receive the shipping
that comes from Ireland, or the North-west parts of England; And because
Dunber Castle had not so good an harbour by it, which it did command,
we have quitted it, and burnt it. This is all at present.
From Bressels the 23 of July, 1651.
The last letters from Cadiz in Spain of the 11 of June, do advice that
Prince Robert and Prince Maurice are turned Pirates, for they make profession
of it, by taking all manner of ships either going or coming, without
bearing any respect to their friends; for being past the Mediterranian Sea of
the streight of Gibralter with Six good ships, and three or foure prises
they have taken to begin withall upon our coastes, one ship coming from St,
Domingo, richly laden, another ship coming from Genes, valued worth
100000. Escus. bound for the Lowe coun[unr]ries; and a third ship which belongs
to Zealand, but finding it emptie, they tooke it and Plundred it of its
guns and provisions and then they let it goe again. It is to be feared they will
doe agreat deale of mischiefe upon the Ocean, it they doe not meete with the Parliament
ships, which are they that must keep them in awe; We hope that their
raigne will be but short and that they will come to some tragi ke end for all
their Pyracie.
Don Jean of Austria, with the gallies of Naples and Sicilie is arrived
in the haven of Denia in Valenze, where he hath refresht his men, to dispose of
them of as oceasan shall serve,
The Queene of Spayne lookes everyday to be delivered, great preparations
are made against her lying in. There is great hopes of a young Prince.
They write from Liege that the Lorrainois, under the Command of
Monsieur Valengien, doe threaten to come and keepe their harvest in the
Country of Hesbaie and Bondret; som say that they are already past through
Liege, and the Countrie men of inpille, Beene Fleror and Franchemont, are
up in armes to oppose them. They have taken out of every Village the eventh
man, and the other six that stay at home, are to contribute towards the keeping of
the seventh abroade. The debates and differences risen betwene the Marquis of
Brandenburg. And the Duke of Neubourg, are lykely to be accommodated, for
most of the Princes are interrested about them; for the last the King of spaine
and all the Electors, and for Marquis of Brandenburg. France, Sweden,
and the states Generall of the Low Countries
SATURDAY, July 19.
Amsterdam, this 21. July. 1651.
HEre is a ship arived from the East-Judies brings newes of 9.
English ships that were there, but now come out of the East-Indies,
for the merchants of London: and one French ship which
had laden Ebben hout at the Isle of Mauritia, they report that the
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