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Mercurius politicus, Number 61, 31st July-7th August 1651 E.640[2]

Scruples of Conscience in this Particular are so farr from being
countenanced, that Submission is indispensably annex't
to it, even for Conscience take. What can the end then of
such reasonings for satisfaction be, in such a matter, wherein
it is the most unreasonable thing in the world to pretend not
to be satisfied, for, they that seek farther than a plenary
possession and power of Protection in Governers, to ground
a submission, do plainly tell us in effect; that they will never
submitt, and that they will never receive Satisfaction.
And truly, it can be no wonder at all, if they doe not;
considering that their only Idol is that old formall Clergy-Interest,
which they had so finely trick't up in a new dreffe of
their own, in hope to have advanced themselves into a reverentiall
power and posture (after the manner of their antient
Predecessors) over the rest of the People. It is for that
distinct Inrisictive power in themselves which they quarrel
with the Civill, and finding that it is inconsistent with the
Principles of a Free state to admitt of such a Formality, or
any thing like it, here ariseth their dissatisfaction and enmity,
and hence it is so many of that Coat are out of love with the
present government, that they hate it to the very death, and
place themselves quite without the pale of peace and Reconciliation.
But admit they could be reconciled (though 'tis a hard supposition,
as long as they own their wonted humors) yet the
Quare is, whether the remission of the brotherly Traitors
may lawfully be made the Prince of such a reconcilement? Or
whether the Impunity of blond guilty Traitors bee a hopefull
Foundation for any Commonwealth to build upon? And
for this wee need no other Answers than what have been set
down by Mr. Case in that printed sermon preached before
the Court-Martiall, which affords more matter still very
pertinent to our purpose; he faith, one Case wherein God
will have his Deputies shew no mercy is, That the Principalls
be not spared when the Accessories suffer; and therefore
God, commanding the execution of all the People that were
joyned to Baall Peor, gives speciall Charge first for cutting off
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