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Mercurius politicus, Number 61, 31st July-7th August 1651 E.640[2]

Horsein Lancashire under Col. Rich to march up to those in Cumberland
to salute the Scotish Army in case they should make for England,
which now they must either do, or fight our Army. This is all the
account I can give at present.
Lieth, 26 July, 1651.
SATURDAY, August 2.
Take an Extract of this days intelligence from Scotland, and other
forein parts, as followeth:
August 2. 1651
THe strong Castle of Inch Garvy is surrendred to our Forces, and
in it 16 pieces of Ordnance, it stood between Queens Ferry and
North Ferry, upon a Rock in a River that comes from Sterling
Major Gen. Lambert hath 21 Regiments of Horse and Foot in
Fise; and the Lord Generall with what horse he could make,
marched up with Major Generall Harrison, and makes about to Regiments;
the rest of his Brigade with Col. Riches, are ordered for a
march upwards; and a strong Brigade of horse and foot more, are
to march, part into Scotland, and part into the North of England.
About 2000 horse being about Dumserling, ours went to seek them
out, but they were retreated to their Camp at Sterling Park.
The Scots store beings to shrink, their Soldiers are ragged and
lousie; they have sent thei Quarter Masters for more provisions
but we have sent after them. The late rout is laid to Holburns
treachery, and for that end they have sequestred his estare; so far
are they from seeing the hand of God in it. Two students fled
to us from their persecution: The Assembly of the Kirk are removed
from St. Andrews to Dundee, by reason of the late rout Mr
Patrick Gelaspy and many others are dissenters, 'Tis thought they
will excommunicate them; probably the Scott Will march to England.
The Princess Royall hath lest her Protectorship, and administration
of the young Prince of Orange, the old Princess of Orange
and Duke of Brandenburg, are appointed in her stead; she is not to
dispose of any thing, but her own Joynture, which adds much to
her disrepute; she is not to choose any Officer, and is to restore the
Princes Cabinet as she found it.
The inhabitants of Dort, and divers others, are like to rise a
gain their Burgers.
The Prince of Condè is at Paris, new things are levied for a Civil
War: Next Wednesday if the Parliament fit, its intended to be
proved against the Queen Dowager, that she sent the Duke of
Mercocur and two others, to Mazarin; which if proved, may de
prove her of her Regency, which she fears; and yet the Army is
for Mazarin.
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