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Mercurius politicus, Number 61, 31st July-7th August 1651 E.640[2]

Prince of Conti presented a Petition this day unto the Parliament against
a new imposition upon the fast, in the name of the Nobility and Gentry
of Porctou.
The rich Abby of la conture in Mans being vacant by the death of the Bishop
of Poictiers have been conferred on the Princess of consignan's son, and
that Bishoprick is offered to the Bishop of Rhodes the King's Tutor. We
have nothing from the Army in Picardy. It is reported that Mareshal
d' Aumont hath been here privately to justifie himself from being a Mazatinist;
and that Mareshal d' Estampes is to command the Army in his
place. Four Regiments of fortain Horse, making in all 1200 men have
been disbanded in Champagne for want of money. The last letters from
Catalonia say the Spaniards were marching to besiege Barcellona with a
great Army by land, and 28. men of war and 22. Gallies by Sea, the
French being extremely weak there.
From Roterdam the 4. of August 1651.
We very much wonder here that we heare nothing yet of action from
Scotland: They talk here, that the great Assembly at the Hague doth
draw towards and end, and the late Synod put them hard to it, urging a
confirmation of the Church Government, according to the Synod of
Dort, which hath, been hither to but tolerated and countenanced; That
all Papist, whatsoever should be put out of all Charges; which will not
onely disgust all Forreyners, but is expresse against a former Edict, tolerating
any Religion. There are other things of that nature that have
been moved; but generall and civil answers are given them by the said
Assembly. The King of Scots Resident here, hath put out a sharp Invective
against the Lords Ambassadors Propositions which they made to the
States when they were here, and it shewes why this countrey ought not to
agree with you. These people are generally averse to your government,
and could never have perswaded themselves you would have come to any
settlement, which they cry will be the ruine of their Trade, and therefore
with the King of Scots all success; You would little think how much
they are altred since the departure of the Lords Ambassadors for the common-wealth
of England. They talk of Three Ambassadors they will send
you; but they are not nominated, nor ever shall be till the result of the
Scott Campania. We heare the Princesse-Royall hath been cast by the great
Assembly about the Guardianship of the young Prince of Orange, who
is to have two more Overseers besides the Mother. This will be something
yearly out of her way, and some losse to her brothers.
The difference between the Marquesse of Brandenburg and Duke of
Newburg is not yet ended. The Dutchesse of Brandenburg his wife hath
We have here severall bad reports from Scotland, concerning my Lord
Generall cromwell Army, as you may see by a letter sent from Hamburgh
of the 16 of July, and printed at Amsterdom, which letter begins as followeth.
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