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Mercurius politicus, Number 61, 31st July-7th August 1651 E.640[2]

that may be from thence expected. Our March (I purpose)
will be towards St Johnstons. In the name of the Lord, we
may make a blessed progress,
Brunt I stand, July
the 29. 1651.
WEDNESDAY, August. 6.
A Letter from the Lord Deputy of Ireland, being contracted,
speaks to the Effect; from the Leaguer before Limrick,
July. 15.
That Col. Tothill hath been cashired the Army, for breach
of Quarter given to some of the Enemy: that his Lordship
desires no more men may be raised for Ireland, after that
the remainder of those that are already prest be gon over.
That the Castle upon the Bridge hath been stormed and
taken, and the better half of the Bridge possessed by us; so
that they are lock't in on that side, and they have broken
down 2: Arches next the Towne, that now there is small hope
of working our selves by the way of the Bridg, into the
That after this, they had an Attempt upon an Island, encompassed
by a Line, with a great Fort in the middle of it,
which had they gained, they had been in a Fair way to Master
the Town; but our whole Party that was employed perished
in the Attempt. They had 11, Boats, and 2. Cots, besides
the great Flote in the 5. Boats that were lanched before:
There went over Major Walker (his Lordships own Major
who commanded in chiefe), with Capt. Graves, Capt,
Whiting, and his Lordships own Ensigne, and about 90. Soldiers
and non commission'd Officers, who were all drowned
or killed, to the great grief of the whole Army, who humble
themselves in the sence of God's displeasure.
That before this, wee were in Treaty for the Town; It
hath been since renewed by them, and re-admitted by us, but
now in a manner broke off again.
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