skiladómr (ON) noun

This was a court of arbitration, a tribunal of twelve men. It had to decide on the facts of a case that was not entirely clear. The consequences were left to the negotiation of the parties involved. The skiladómr was opposed to the sáttardómr, which passed judgement on cases in which the circumstances were already clear.

court of arbitration ONorw GuL Kpb, Llb, Olb
ONorw MLL Llb 6 Kab 13

decision ONorw FrL Jkb 6
decisive judgement OIce Js Ert 20 Lbb 16 Kab 10
lawful judgement OIce Llb 5 Kab 14
private court for arbitration ONorw FrL Rgb 25 Jkb 6 Refs:

Helle 2001, 91–97, 154; Hertzberg s.v. skiladómr; KLNM s.v.v. dómr, ting, veddemål; Robberstad 1981, 341, 343; Sunde 2014, 143

  • ‘skiladómr’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
