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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 17, 7th-14th August 1649 E.569[7]

Mercurius Pragmaticus
(For King Charls II.)
Communicating Intelligence from all Parts
touching all Affaires, Designes, Humors, and
Conditions throughout the Kingdome.
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday. Aug 7. to Tuesday Aug. 14. 1649.
A Victory! A Victory!
Lord save us! Ormond routed!
His Forces tooke, and forc'd to fly,
'Tis Treason to bee doubted.
The Gallant'st Traine that ever was
In Ireland, they have taken:
And that's six Peeces made of Brasse
By th' owners, all, forsaken.
Foure thousand Slaine; not one man lesse
Or more; yet none of theirs :
Believ't that can, for I confesse
It sounds like Braines and Staires.
But't is presum'd by th'next you'll heare
How Dublin's still Block't up;
Their Cloth and Silk's, their Wine and Beare
Turn'd to a Bitter Cup.
--- Nemo me impunè lacessit.
MURTHER Is now become so necessary and commendable
a sinne, that the higher it strikes, or the nearer in Relations, the
more honourable and excellent: and therefore it is that they stile the
cutting off the King's Head a superlative Act of Justice, and count it
a favour few are worthy of, to share with them in the honour due to the
prime Instruments therein. So now that barbarous Rebell Jones is cry'd
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