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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 18, 14th-21st August 1649 E.571[8]

Mercurius Pragmaticus
(For King Charls II.)
Communicating Intelligence from all Parts
touching all Affaires, Designes, Humors, and
Conditions throughout the Kingdome.
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday. Aug 14. to Tuesday Aug. 21. 1649.
Stout Ormond is not Routed: No,
Nor Conqu'ring-Crumwell landed:
Hee had much rather stay, then goe
So farre, to bee Disbanded.
Hee's fail'd of Corke: Six thousand pounds
Too little was, by farre,
For such a Hav'n; with Munster-Grounds,
To prosequute a Warre.
Dublin's Besieg'd as formerly;
The Royallists enrag'd;
To heare the Saints Jay they Should flie
Before they were engag'd.
The king Removes, yet whither Hee,
It is not so bee knowne;
But Surely this is one o'th Three
Removes Him to His Throane.
---Nemo me impune lacessit.
NOW (Sirs) I have got a little more Elboe-roome; and bee sure
I'le improve it to good advantage; for though I am threatned
with Treason-traps, I am now furnished with a device to avoid, or
breake 'em all; so that whil'st they suppose they have catch't mely
the shankes; slap, say I, o're their [unr] and whip them I will like
so many blind-Beares, whereby I will shew more sport for two-pence
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