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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 18, 14th-21st August 1649 E.571[8]

And how much pressed they are in mind (his Excellency especially
for suffering Cromwell to supersede him in Rebellion) under unto
them foure pretty Proposalls: the first whereof is, That all Penall Statutes
and Ordinances of Parliament heretofore made for the punishment
of Blasphemies, Heresies and Schismes, may bee absolutely nul'd ; and
Tolleration granted to all Sectaries and Schismatiques of what Condition
and qualities soever, who shall but presend themselves to bee conscientious
People that propagate the Gospell, and such as have the Spirit
(flowing forth at both ends)--- They by all meanes to bee encouraged
so long as they are peaceable under the present (Tyrannicall) Government,
and not disturbing the Publique worship: (of that great Idoll at
Westminster.) The second; That (by all meanes) this Tolleration
extend not to Popery, Prelacy, or any use of the common-Prayer-Booke;
but that such bee vigorously proceeded against, as shall any waies promote
or exercise the same: The third, That all such as had formerly serv'd
the Parliament, and now for some Miscarriages under restraint, might
neverthelesse bee set at liberty; and for the time to come, all such as
should disturbe the Peace, or any waies derogate from, or oppose the Authoritie
Established, to bee severely proceeded against, without mercy.
And this is (if possible) to curry favour with, and stop the mouthes
of John Lilburne, Overton, Walwin, Prince, and the rest of that implacable
Party; but it will not serve, if john Lilborne stand to what
hee saies, in his last booke of Arraignment.) And lastly, That speedy
consideration may bee had, and course taken of and for removeing the grievous
oppressions, by reason of unnecessary Lawes.
And these were signed in the name, and by the appointment of his
Excellency (whom they make a [unr] stale of, to countenance and
owne their Proceedings) which (God comfort him) hath breed such
differences and diseontenes betwixt his lady and him, that they keepe
but a weefull house at Kensengton, neither boarding nor beding together,
shee not induring to looke at him, nor bee daring to come in sight
of her, until hee declare against the present and part Proceedings of
the Juncto, revive the Presbyterian Interest, and release and restore
the Imprisoned and secluded Members, which the third of the foresaid
Proposalls tacitly aimes at --- But this hee dares not doe, for hee
well knowes that Lambert staies here purposely to supervise him, and
that no sooner hes should and endeavour any such thing, but straight waies
hes should bee cashired and Lambert voted Commander in chiefs
in the absence of king Oliver.
who whether hee bee yet Imbatqued for Ireland or not: This I
[unr] fure, that hee has failed of the Designe hee had against the Citty of
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