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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 25, 9th-16th October 1649 E.575[20]

Mercurius Pragmatticus.
(For King Charls II)
Communicating Intelligence from all parts
touching all Affaires, Designes; Humors, and
Conditions throughout the Kingdome.
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday October 9. to Tuesday Octob. 16. 1649.
Tush, Tush, God-Cromwell ! Wee are none,
That Sacrifice to thee :
Nor can wee bow before the Throane
of feigned Soveraigntie.
Wee cannot think God ownes thy Cause,
Because hee lets thee run
Beyond the Bounds of his great-Lawes,
To thy Destruction.
For Ireland ends thy sordid-Life,
Thou shalt not thence returne;
Nor, after all this Blood and Strife,
Possesse a Peace-full Urne.
Oneale (that Man of Honour) stands
To Period thy Story.
T is Hee must save the Irish-Lands,
Restore His Countries-Glory.
---Nemo me impunè Lacessit.
WOULD You have thought the State-Rampant could have
so sensible of a little Malignant Inke, as should make them
thunder out such Anathema's against the Societies of Hawkers and
Ballad-fingers? that our High and Mighties [the Supremists at Westminster]
now after all their Victories, should find no fitter thing to
triumph in, then trampling upon the necks of silly women and children,
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